15 things that we, yucatecans love to hate

That you assume that Yucatan is the whole peninsula… Yucatan is Yucatan!

Chichén 2015 ☀️✨ #chichenitza

Una foto publicada por Montserrat Chávez. (@montserratch_) el

Suadero, barbecue and tongue tacos. We have our own tacos, Cochinita, Asado and Castacan!

Una foto publicada por Yuca Taco (@yucatacocph) el

We cartanly don’t like tombe called “boxitos” or “cabezones” (big heads) … We can answer a couple of things, but we are too foul-mouthed when upset and prefer to be educated and nice. If the person who dares call us like that knew what we are thinking, his smile instantly could disappear …

The watery beers.

Una foto publicada por CardenalCantina (@cardenalcantina) el

The claxon. If you go early you can get anywhere in town in twenty minutes, so turn down your stress here we drive slowly, very slowly.

Una foto publicada por @ducki120 el

That mistake yucatecan with a campechan. It’s like telling spanish to a Catalan…

Food without habanero.

Una foto publicada por El yucateco (@elyucateco_la) el

Not reach the Sunday’s cochinita…

Una foto publicada por @werobgx el

When the cookies goes “zaatz” …

Una foto publicada por Graciela Carrillo (@gracecarrilloc) el

The Chilango accent. That contrasts sharply with our beautiful accent and our soft and sweet tone.

Heat. Basically because of it we can enjoy our beautiful beaches and our good habit of always be drinking “Chevas”, but … do not be fooled, if you think we do not hate the heat, you are mistaken.

Una foto publicada por Playas de Yucatán (@playasyucatan) el

But yes, we hate the cold more than the heat … Things of Yucatecans!

The season runs out …

Una foto publicada por Playas de Yucatán (@playasyucatan) el

Chaquistes and mosquitoes, ouch!

Una foto publicada por Jahir Jimenez (@jahir_oficial) el

Not because we are yucatecans we have to know several “bombas”!

Una foto publicada por Club Yucasanzeros (@yucasanzeros) el